Sunday, July 26, 2009

Real Vs. Personal Property

Tonight I had a great email question from one of my buyers. She wanted to know when she sold her house what items were to stay and which ones could go. For the sake of saving time, I am going to just post my response to her question, right here, on my blog!!!

Terrific question! There are two classifications of property, real and personal. Real property is real estate (structure and land).

Personal property is everything else, think couches, television, etc.

Personal property is converted to REAL property when it is attached to real property. So for example a microwave sitting on the counter is PERSONAL property. But one like in this house, mounted above the stove is REAL because it is attached to the house.

Light fixtures are REAL, they are ATTACHED. Here is a fun one. Curtain rods are real property (attached), but the curtains themselves are personal property.

So the way it works when writing an offer is any REAL property is assumed to stay unless it is specifically excluded. Any personal property we wish to say we request ( i think page 2 of the contract).

When you list your house just remember anything that is attached to the house is assumed to stay, anything not attached is not.

Now we are getting into a new phase of electronics and that is the wall mount plasma TV. Technically they are attached, so they should be considered REAL property, but nobody takes it that way. Perhaps I shall blog about that....I might even copy and paste this email and make it my blog subject!

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