Thursday, August 14, 2008

How much do "they" pay to come up with these reports?

Reading through a magazine, I caught this brilliant insight.

"Inside cats (compared to outside cats) are less likely to catch diseases like rabies and feline leukemia, and they're less likely to be lost or hit by a car"
Less likely to be hit by a car? Really? Never thought of that!!
Another one I saw a while back was:
"Spayed cats are less likely to get uterine cancer"
Well, I suppose that is true and along those lines. We are all less likely to get brain cancer if we have our brains removed, but all in all that seems like a bad idea for humans.
Browsing through the website for the EPA? You might catch this one:
Idling your car gets 0 MPG. Huh, never thought of that one!

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